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Eating better, naturally

Planning to eat better but not sure where or how to start? Relax. We’ve got some tips on how you can eat better naturally throughout your pregnancy. Before trying any of the following suggestions, make sure to consult your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional.

Eat more whole foods
Take a good look inside your kitchen. Identify and resolve to eat less of processed, refined foods that are nothing but sugar and empty calories. Instead, fill your grocery basket with nourishing whole foods such as leafy vegetables and fresh fruits1. Pick them out in a glorious spectrum of colours to ensure you’re packing enough antioxidants, vitamins and minerals into your body. 

Forget low fat
Trying to lose weight while your body’s busy growing another human being doesn’t make sense. As a mum-to-be, you and your baby are now literally what you eat. Traditional, nature-designed good fats like olive oil, coconut oil, cod liver oil, butter, nuts, eggs and meat are vital for building your baby’s brain and organs2. It is always best to have a balanced diet and follow your doctor’s recommendation. 

Up your iron
Iron is an extremely important nutrient during your pregnancy2. It helps to build your placenta and support oxygenating blood for your growing baby. While red meat is one of your best iron sources, make a point to eat other iron-rich foods including turkey and chicken meat, fish, pork, legumes, vegetables and grains3.

Have some herbs
Always consult your doctor or a qualified herbalist before taking any herbs during your pregnancy. Just because they are natural products doesn’t mean they are necessarily safe for you during this delicate period. Depending on your physical condition and if approved by your doctor or a qualified herbalist, some herbs like red raspberry leaf, nettle leaf, alfalfa leaf and peppermint can be beneficial when taken in moderation 4

Disclaimer: Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for healthy growth and development of babies.